This event is open to all children aged 5-17yrs, white belt and above as well as non-karateka (so siblings, cousins and friends are welcome to come along too!
Date: 12-14 September 2025 Cost: R1350. Price includes 2 days and 2 nights (Fri - Sun), all karate tuition and activities, use of all facilities, 6 meals and T-Shirt. We will begin at 5pm on the Friday. Children will be broken into groups (with ample adult supervision) and given challenges such as Best War Cry, Best Team Spirit, Best Banner, Best Team Kata and Best Team Over All amongst others. There will be numerous team activities including an obstacle course, morning run, tug of war, etc which will all contribute to the teams points. Parents will be invited to come and watch the finals of the challenges after lunch at 1:30pm on the Sunday and we should end around 2pm. Children will need to bring: Karate suits and belts; old clothes; running shoes; caps; sleeping bag and pillow; toiletries and suntan spray. They DON'T need to bring cellphones!! This will be a Tech-Free weekend in the glorious South African outdoor sunshine!! No cell phones or tablets allowed. The camp will again take place at Bosco Youth Centre in Daleside on the southern outskirts of Johannesburg (about 30km from Alberton). As a former boarding school their facilities are excellent and include, amongst others, dormitories, a dining room, an obstacle course, basketball/tennis courts and halls. All meals are provided by their Catering Department and Halaal and vegetarian options are available on request. Cutlery and crockery will be provided. Bookings will be essential as there are a limited number of spaces available. Payment may be made in full on booking or a R250 deposit to secure your child's spot. The balance may be paid in installments of amounts to suit you. All payments should be made using the Pay Now button below. The balance is due by the end of August. This has always been a very popular event so be sure to book your child's space ASAP to avoid disappointment. (Names may be given now, payment in full is only later). Non-karateka children are also more than welcome and will be taught in their own separate group when the groups are split into belts for the karate training sessions. Please book online - the registration form is on this page. Payment must be made via the secure PayFast portal below. PLEASE USE THE SAME EMAIL FOR THE PAYMENT AND THE REGISTRATION - both need to be completed. You will get a letter confirming your submission when you submit. If you do not then there is a problem with the submission, all required fields must be completer (don't use auto-fill). After successful submission of the registration you will receive a copy of the form by email, as well as confirmation of payment from PayFast. If you do not receive them there may be a problem with your submission or payment. (Don't forget to check your spam and junk folders if your don't receive confirmation.) Please contact us should you have any queries: Karyn: 082 579 0890 email: Kids Spring Gasshuku - Deposit to secure booking. Please be sure to use THE SAME EMAIL address on both the payment AND the registration.
Kids Spring Gasshuku - Part payment or payment in full. You may select your own amount here. Please be sure to use THE SAME EMAIL address on all payments AS WELL AS the registration.